Here at Aporia, we partner with a number of different talented individuals from a number of different backgrounds. This week we talked to the creator of The Lazarus Boy, an upcoming comic book sponsored by none other than Aporia Customs. Below is some basic information about The Lazarus Boy as well as the inspiration that led to its creation.
Tell us about your background in creating comics.
Comic books has been a passion for me quite some time now. All the way from high school up until I attended a school of arts, I've always felt this desire to create them. I have been inspired by such heroes as Marvel’s Incredible Hulk and Spider-Man, right up to DC’s Superman and Batman. It wasn't until later in my life that I realized some heroes are not always dressed in nice clothes and radical costumes but in fact look a bit frightening, despite still getting the job done just as well. Upon seeing this, my style changed dramatically and I found myself enjoying Marvel’s Ghost Rider a lot more than other comics. Even though I am an indie comic designer and am fully aware of the heavyweight competition, I feel like I am ready for a superstar debut.
Tell us about The Lazarus Boy.
The Lazarus Boy is a story based around a horribly disfigured 12 year old boy named Carl Hezekiah, thought to be burned alive in a fire along with his parents by the infamous Joe Brothers. The situation surrounding this story is meant to show the world that even in the darkest hour, you can find positive aspects in a hopeless situation. Although The Lazarus Boy comic has its supernatural aspects, such as hell hounds and tormenting demons, an archangel swoop in and leaves the story heartfelt.
Bettina Gilbert will work on special effects, Therese .L Davis will work as the second colorist, and William Malanga will be the writer and Paul Butcher will be the source of insight for the comic book.
How will your relationship with Aporia help you?
Aporia Customs is what this comic book needs to get it past its indie stages and out into the mainstream world. They have an awesome team of professionals that are fully aware of the inner workings of the video game world and they come together with comics and movies to form the perfect trifecta. Anthony Scalzi’s genius approach on this collaboration is sure to get people curious about our comic books and their products so we will surely both flourish from this.
What are your plans in regards to creating more comics?
At the moment, we’re only planning on releasing 3 books but as far as video games are concerned, we are working on something we have dubbed The Lazarus Soldiers along with a movie plot but this will all fall at a much later date. If The Lazarus Boy ever has a spin-off, I am quite sure it will be from new creators with a brand new concept.
Have you seen more success come from working with Aporia?
Yes, absolutely! We have had an increase in the number fans and they a lot to bring to the table, which as artists, we need in order to reach a broader audience. We are looking forward to working with Aporia for years to come on projects that involve more than just comic books.
What made you choose Aporia as a sponsor/partner?
i would say the main thing that brought our attention to Aporia is their style and presentation which makes them a powerhouse gaming assessor company.
When do you plan to fully release the Lazarus Boy brand?
We're planning on releasing the first issue of The Lazarus Boy sometime in mid 2017 with previews and new gear planned to arrive prior to that date.
We’d like to thank Aporia for their outstanding leadership and helping us be one step closer to the debut of The Lazarus Boy comic!
We wish the people behind The Lazarus Boy luck in their future endeavors under Aporia and invite anyone interested in working with Aporia to apply for a sponsorship at our website.
By Gabriel "H3nleY" Ionica